Loan Rates

  • Affinity Prime Rate
  • 4.95%
    • Loan
    • %
    • Personal Loan Rate

      As Low as Prime + 1.00%

    • Quick Loan RRSP

      Prime + 0.50%

    • RRSP Term Loan

      As Low as Prime + 1.00%

    • Quick Loan

      As Low as Prime + 2.50%

    • Line of Credit

      As Low as Prime + 2.50%

    To get started, visit an Affinity advice centre near you, call our Contact Centre at 1.866.863.6237 or book an appointment. Find out more about your borrowing options here.

    Assuming no additional fees are charged, the Annual Percent Rate (APR) is the same as the interest rate. If additional fees are incurred, the APR increases.

    Interest rates are posted for information purposes only and are subject to change without notice.