Expression of Interest – St. Mary’s Property

Expressions of Interest must be submitted no later than Monday July 15, 2024. Only those whose submissions are being considered will be contacted. Please direct all questions to


Affinity Credit Union has permanently closed its St. Mary’s Advice Centre, located in the Pleasant Hill neighborhood of Saskatoon. To honour Affinity’s commitment to serve the community needs and following a period of decommissioning of the property, Affinity will be divesting themselves of both the land and building, Affinity anticipates that this will occur in the spring of 2025, and is now considering Expressions of Interest (“EOI”).


All information provided by or obtained from Affinity in any form in connection with this EOI (including but not being limited to this document) either before or after being awarded:

  • is the sole property of Affinity and must be treated as confidential;
  • is not to be used for any purpose other than replying to this RFP and the performance of any subsequent contract deliverables;
  • is not to be disclosed without prior written authorization from Affinity; and
  • must be returned by the provider to Affinity immediately upon the request of Affinity. 

If you have received this document and are not able to adhere to the confidentiality provisions contained herein, please return or destroy all copies, physical and electronic in your possession and so advise by email to one of the EOI Contacts referenced below.

The Property

The property is located at 1515 20th Street West and at 312 Avenue P South, in Saskatoon.   There are two parcels of land:

Lot 24, Block 24 Plan, No F5554 Extension 0 (which includes the former Advice Centre Building)
Lot 1 through 6, Block 24, Plan F5554 and Lot 27, Block 24, Plan 101453217, Extension 6 (which is the former parking lot)

The first parcel is zoned B5 – Inner City Commercial Corridor District.  The second parcel is zoned R2 – One and Two Unit Residential.

Readers are responsible to verify all aspects of title, and zoning, and distances, and that they are responsible for ensuring that any intended or proposed use of either parcel will be subject to the City of Saskatoon Official Community Plan and Zoning Bylaw, as well as other city bylaws and regulations. In evaluating restrictions and compliance issues, it may be useful to know that there is an elementary school located approximately 150 yards to the south of the site. Photographs respecting the property are appended in Schedule “A”.


The following information pertains to the land and building located at 1515 20th Street West and at 312 Avenue P South, in Saskatoon.

  • The advice centre building contains a main floor (11,917 sq ft) and a finished basement (8,455 sq ft).
  • Lot 24 containing the advice centre building is 28,990 sq ft.
  • Lot 1 through 6 containing the parking lot is 21,813 sq ft.
  • It is a masonry building with a poured concrete foundation and a built-up roof cover. It also contains the following:
    • 1,000 lb. elevator from main floor to basement;
    • 600-amp main panel with a single meter;
    • Four washrooms on main floor, two washrooms in basement;
    • Rooftop HVAC services on the main floor and forced air furnace heats the basement.

Clarification on question #9 “Whether the Participant and/or any affiliate or partner agency qualifies for the purposes of the Income Tax Act”.

  • The broad nature of the Expression of Interest affords all entities the opportunity to remit a profile for consideration. Affinity may conduct a tax assessment as part of the evaluation criteria and as such, necessarily seeks as many facts as possible to support this assessment.

The Process

Affinity has adopted a staged process for this EOI. 

Stage I

Expressions of Interest must be submitted no later than Monday July 15, 2024. Only those whose submissions being considered will be contacted.

Stage II

Those selected to participate in this stage of the selection process (“Participants”) may be asked:

  1. To provide details respecting key personnel including background and responsibilities; 
  2. To provide documentation respecting plans or operations, or written responses to questions respecting existing programs, services and operations; 
  3. To make personnel available for interviews for the purposes of providing additional information about the Participant, or to address questions arising from earlier interviews, or documentation or other information provided to or otherwise received by Affinity; and  
  4. To provide references respecting the Participant or its operations.

When evaluating proposals, Affinity may, in its sole discretion, request further information from the provider or third parties to verify, clarify or supplement the information provided in any proposal.

Affinity may consider information independently obtained about any interested party during Affinity’s own due diligence. This includes any references, previous dealings, or experience, if any, by Affinity or others with the interested party.

Stage III

Affinity may select one or more Participants (“Qualified Participant(s)”) to participate in the next stage of the Process.  Affinity will provide written notification to the Qualified Participant(s) and to the non-selected parties.

Stage IV


Qualified Participants will be requested to enter direct negotiations to finalize an agreement with Affinity.  Where Affinity selects more than one Qualified Participant, it may conduct negotiations with each Qualified Participant to assist it in determining which is able to most successfully deliver outcomes aligned with Affinity’s values and those which Affinity believes to be held by the community at large.

The process will begin with the Qualified Participant providing a listing of all deliverables, and a sample agreement they would propose to enter if they are the successful Participant. The Qualified Participant shall include their proposal as an addendum to the agreement.  The proposed agreement shall provide that the Qualified Participant, if selected, will be bound by the statements and representations made in their proposal and the terms of this EOI.

During negotiations Affinity may request for supplementary information from any party to verify, clarify or supplement the information provided in its proposal or to confirm the conclusions reached in the evaluation, and may include requests by Affinity for improved criteria or other terms.

Affinity may suspend or terminate negotiations with any or all Qualified Participants and may cancel the EOI process at any time.

Stage V

Upon the successful completion of negotiations, Affinity will notify the successful Qualified Participant (the “Successful Participant”) and enter into the definitive contract negotiated during Stage IV.

If there are other Qualified Participants who have participated in the process through to the end of Stage IV, Affinity shall notify those unsuccessful Qualified Participants in writing.

Nothing in this EOI process shall create any legal relationship with or legal obligation on the part of Affinity, prior to the execution of a definitive written agreement.

Evaluation Criteria

Affinity will evaluate the proposals that most closely meet our values and those which Affinity believes to be the values of the community at large. Affinity is seeking applications from all entities including those entities that are:

  • registered under The Non-Profit Corporations Act, 2022 or the Canada Not-for-Profit Corporations Act,2010
  • Federal, provincial and municipal government agencies; or 
  • for profit corporations.

Affinity requires that any intended or proposed alteration, or use of the building shall comply with all applicable laws, bylaws and regulations, federal, provincial and municipal, or otherwise.

Communications following issuance of EOI

All questions are to be directed to (the “EOI Contacts”).

  • Interested parties should promptly review this EOI and direct any questions or requests to the EOI Contacts.
  • No communications are to be directed to anyone other than the EOI Contacts.
  • It is the responsibility of interested parties to seek clarification from the EOI Contacts on any matter it considers to be unclear.  Note that Affinity is not responsible for any misunderstanding respecting this EOI or the associated processes and requirements.
  • All questions are to be submitted in writing and responses will be provided in writing.
  • Where Affinity determines during this process that it is appropriate to provide additional information, such information will be communicated to all interested parties by addendum.
  • Interested parties are reminded of the confidentiality requirements set out above, and accordingly may not communicate with the media, post online or otherwise communicate with anyone other than within the party’s organization, and the EOI contacts, without express written authorization to do so from Affinity.
  • Interested parties should not enter into any agreements predicated on participation in the EOI process without the express written authorization of Affinity.

This EOI may be amended only by written addendum issued by Affinity. 

Process Non-Binding Before Contract

This EOI process is intended to identify prospective Participants for the purposes of negotiating potential agreements. No legal relationship or obligation of any kind, respecting the subject matter of the EOI, the procurement of any good or service, or otherwise, will be created between Affinity and the interested party by this EOI process.

A legal relationship will not arise until the successful negotiation and execution of a written agreement.

Unethical Conduct

Interested parties, prospective Participants and Participants shall not engage in any unethical conduct, including inappropriate communications; offering gifts to any employees, officers, agents, or other representatives of Affinity; deceitfulness; submitting proposals containing misrepresentations or other misleading or inaccurate information; or any other conduct that compromises or may be seen to compromise the competitive process provided for in this EOI.

Affinity may disqualify a provider, rescind an invitation to negotiate, terminate a contract subsequently entered into, or take such other action it may deem appropriate if Affinity, in its sole and absolute discretion, determines that the provider has engaged in any conduct prohibited by this EOI.

By submitting your application, you acknowledge that Affinity may share information that you have submitted with the review committee members, Affinity Board of Directors, Executive Leadership Team and other legal, business, or community advisors.

The information and files shared will only be used by Affinity for the purposes of this EOI.

Schedule A

St Mary's Property Photographs